populi est suprema lex," William P. Meyers
Natural Liberation Blog by William P. Meyers |
Alliance for Democracy home page
William Meyers has been writing a series of short "History Notes" articles for Justice Rising, the newletter of the Alliance for Democracy. Here are the links: Most Recent: 19th Century Election Reform [Summer 2011] "In 1888 the Republicans perfected their new campaign finance system. They raised an unprecedented $3 million from industrial capitalists... " The Farmers Alliance Cooperative [Fall 2010] "The most widespread cooperative system in Money and Politics [Spring 2005, page 15] "...Thomas Jefferson's wealth came from a system of corruption in the nation of Virginia in which legislators awarded themselves and their friends "empty," formerly Indian, land..." Slave Nation [Fall 2005, page 19] "In 1776 ... slaves in the American colonies were trying to escape to ships bound for Britain." Corporate Trade [Winter 2005/06, page 15] "The Turkish Empire of the 15th century served as the harbinger of modern economic globalization..." Factories as Commons [Spring 2006, page 14] "...Only a few decades ago the idea of factories War Against Asia [Fall 2006] "The War Against Asia was originally driven by the needs of New England trading corporations..." [See also The U.S. War Against Asia] Human Weeds [Summer 2007] "Let a breeding couple get to a previously unexploited land, whether a tiny island or a continent, and soon enough it will be overrun by people at the expense of most other species." 62 Year Delay for National Medical Insurance - So Far [Winter 2008] "On September 6, 1945, Harry S. Truman, then President of the United States, announced to Congress that he would be submitting a national health program proposal." Law and Economics of U.S. Immigration [Spring 2008] "Most indentured white slaves died before they were due to fe freed at the end of their term of indenture." Energy Corporations in U.S. History [Summer 2008] "The recent ethanol debacle, fueled by taxpayer subsidies and the quaint role of the state of Iowa in selecting presidential nominees, illustrates the danger." A History of Money [Winter 2009] "The main problem with any form of money, whether gold, wampum, dollar bills, or electronic dollars, is maintaining its value in relation to goods and services." The Gruel of Law [Spring 2010] "To keep our minds on reality instead of theory, I suggest we refer to our legal system as the Gruel of Law." |
"In June 1772, in what is known as the |