The new Congress is dynamic is largely ruled by Republican Party control of the House of Representatives, Democratic Party control of the Senate, and of course Democrat Barack Obama as President, with one corporate security state elite to rule them all. Given the apathy of the citizen-voters of Mike Thompson's district, I have cut back on coverage. For a complete list of how Mike has voted, see Mike Thompson 2011 votes. Here's an update on some of the most significant votes this spring. Mostly, however, he voted with the Democratic minority, and almost all votes were won by the Republican majority.
Mike Thompson voted yes on H.R. 1473: Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. Mike joined 179 Republicans and just 80 other Democrats to vote to continue to sink the American economy with out of control military spending. It is remarkable that even 59 Republicans voted against the bill, as it is fiscally irresponsible. Mike's defense contractor pals grow fat (doubtless drinking expensive Napa wines to celebrate) while many of the citizens in his own district have lost their jobs and can't get even the most basic humanitarian services from their own government.
Mike Thompson did vote No with most Democrats on H.R. 1217: To repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund. But the repeal of the health reform measures passed with 236 Republican votes. It would still need to be passed by the Senate and signed by the President to become law.
The Government Shutdown Prevention Act, H.R. 1255, passed 221 to 202, but Representative Thompson voted against it, along with most Democrats and 15 Republicans. But the Senate never voted on it, and eventually other plans were put in place to avoid the shutdown without compromising the fat of the defense industry complex.
Environmentalists should note that Mike Thompson joined 235 Republicans and 56 fellow Democrats to to pass H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011. 130 Democrats voted against this bill, which allows for more pesticide use closer to sources of drinking water, among other "reductions of regulatory burdens." It amends the Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to make it easier for corporations to poison their fellow Americans. Fortunately it still requires a vote of the Senate for passage. If that happened, would Obama have the backbone to veto it? And miss out on all those corporate contributions for the 2012 election cycle? Note that this bill will help Napa and Sonoma vineyard owners poison the rest of us, if it does become law.
To his credit, Mike Thompson did vote Yes, on March 17, 2011, on H.Con.Res. 28, Directing the President to remove the United States armed forces from Afghanistan. The motion failed 93 to 321, with 18 not voting. Interesting that 8 Republicans joined with 85 Democrats to say it is time to get out of Afghanistan.
How do you feel about Federal assistance to homeowners caught out by the housing bubble? Mike voted with the Republicans for H.R. 839, the Home Affordable Modification Program Termination Act, which passed 252 to 170. Again, the program is still in effect because the Senate has not bothered to take up the bill.
Mike Thompson is the current elected member of the United States House of Representatives for California's 1st Congressional District.